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Night Doubles League
K2 Pickleball League mission is to promote FUN in Pickleball. This program encourages good sportsmanship and friendship and you will experience playing men's doubles, women's doubles, and mixed doubles.
4 divisions of 8 players on each divisions.
2 out of 3 games (11 points games)
The winning team will be determined by the total games won in 7 weeks session.
Skill Levels:
Advanced, Adv/Intermediate, Intermediate and Novice
(3.0 to 4.5 level)
Date and Time:
Matches will be held every Monday at 6:30pm
I am not accepting anymore people for my waiting list because there are more than 30 peole on my list. I will let you folks know when there will be openings for our waiting list.

League Champions - November

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